66 Joliet Cres

Tiny | Rural Tiny | L9M 1R2
  • 4 + 2
  • 5
  • 0

Ask: $995,000 $900,000

Est. Mtg $3,051 /mo
  • Days on market


  • Status


Listing Broker Royal LePage In Touch Realty, Brokerage
Since listed: 3 views

Home details

MLS #:


Property type:
60-90 days
Lot Front:
45.5   Feet
Lot Depth:
156.0   Feet
Part Fin | Walk-Up
Driveway Pkg:
Gas | Forced Air


66 Joliet Cres, , Tiny, Ontario is a Detached property in Tiny and in the Rural Tiny community in the L9M 1R2 postal code

This large and spacious 2800 square ft. 2 storey home is situated in Coutnac Beach offering 4 generous sized bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, walkout to rear deck, walk in pantry, hardwood floors, main floor family room, generous sized rec room, garage, mature lot, forced air gas heating, & central air conditioning. There is also an adjacent 1389 s.f. self contained 2 bedroom suite with kitchen, living area, fireplace, 4pc washroom, deck and garage suitable for guests, and additional family members providing a family sanctuary or compound. Enjoy the Benefits of residing in Coutnac Beach with 5 private waterfront parks with child friendly sandy beaches and an interconnecting trail system, (golf cart friendly) from park to park. Located only minutes away from a boat launch, marina, and playground. Coutnac Beach offers a unique home and cottage lifestyle where one can enjoy the waterfront shoreline with eastern exposure..


**Interboard listing: The Lakelands Association of REALTORS**.


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List Date End Date List Price End Price Status MLS #
2024-07 2024-09 $995,000 $900,000 Pc S9011959


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sold Date Address List Price sold Price DOM
2024-08 1700 CHAMPLAIN Rd, $1,450,000 $1,395,000 95
2024-07 66 Wendake Rd, $599,900 $650,000 25
2024-07 6 Wigwam Tr, $664,900 $640,000 30
2024-06 594 Tiny Beaches Rd N, $769,900 $762,250 33
2024-06 154 Park Rd, $889,000 $868,000 6
2024-05 19 Macedonia Circ, $699,900 $660,000 46
2024-03 280 Awenda Park Rd, $1,299,900 $1,200,000 19
2024-03 980 6 County Rd N, $1,375,000 $1,275,000 34
2023-12 14 Grosvenor Dr, $699,950 $650,000 107
2023-11 2505 Champlain Rd, $2,465,000 $2,110,000 8
2023-05 52 Pilon Rd, $619,900 $591,000 85
2023-04 2163 Tiny Beaches Rd S, $949,900 $920,000 58
2023-02 50 Farlain Lake Rd W, $869,900 $825,000 11
2023-02 1728 Champlain Rd, $849,900 $839,900 9
2023-02 1138 Siesta Dr, $649,900 $600,000 20

Statistics: TRREB Market Watch - JUNE 2023

Municipality activity Detached

Sale activity

Tiny :

Properties sold
Average sale price
New Listings
Year on Year Growth

Municipality activity All Property Types

Sale activity

Tiny :

Average sale price
Properties sold
New Listings
Days on Market
Sale $ / List $
Year on Year Growth

Estimated running costs for 66 Joliet Cres

Based on available 3rd party data


Approximate costs per month

$3051 p/m
from $75 p/m
from $40 p/m
Home insurance
from $20 p/m
$323 p/m
$0 p/m



  • Beach
  • Lake Access
  • Level
  • Marina
  • Rec Centre
  • School Bus Route
Listing Broker Royal LePage In Touch Realty, Brokerage
Data Source: TRREB

Payment calculator

$3375 monthly. In association with: TD Bank
  • Principal and Interest
    3051 /mo
  • Property Taxes
    $323 /mo
  • Yearly Condo Fees

* These results are not provided by offerHunt.ca and are only indicative based on a repayment mortgage product. Repayments will be subject to the product provided and your circumstances.

P2 Realty Inc. Brokerage

P2 Realty Brokerage


Rena Alessa, Realtor

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