620 Ramsay Rd

Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield | Rural Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield | K9K 0J7
  • 4 + 1
  • 4
  • 0


Est. Mtg $3,863 /mo
  • Days on market


  • Status


Listing Broker 6H REALTY INC.
Since listed: 2 views

Home details

MLS #:


Property type:
Lot Front:
49.0   Feet
Lot Depth:
106.0   Feet
Unfinished |
Driveway Pkg:
Gas | Forced Air


620 Ramsay Rd, , Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield, Ontario is a Detached property in Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield and in the Rural Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield community in the K9K 0J7 postal code

Calling all design enthusiasts! This captivating 4-bedroom, 3.5-bathroom corner model in Peterborough's flourishing Nature's Edge community awaits your personal touch. Spanning 3,008 light-filled square feet, this prime location offers the best of both worlds: a vibrant community and serene natural surroundings. Here's the exciting part you get to personalize your dream home! Select your own finishes and color schemes, from the perfect kitchen setup to the ideal paint colors that create a welcoming ambiance. This is your chance to make every detail your own. Enjoy the benefits of a spacious corner unit with ample natural light, 4 bedrooms for comfortable living, and 3.5 bathrooms for added convenience. Don't miss this opportunity to own a piece of Peterborough's future and create a home that reflects your unique style..




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List Date End Date List Price End Price Status MLS #
2024-06 2024-06 $1,139,490 $1,139,490 New X8395406


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sold Date Address List Price sold Price DOM
2024-09 2829 Lakefield Rd, $949,000 $880,000 37
2024-07 489 Franklin Dr, $1,150,000 $1,150,000 15
2024-07 2472 Buckhorn Rd, $999,900 $925,000 47
2024-07 687 Steinkrauss Dr, $1,480,000 $1,400,000 10
2024-07 902 Crough Cres, $769,000 $755,000 15
2024-07 2199 Northey's Rd, $1,199,000 $1,130,000 108
2024-06 744 Lily Lake Rd, $1,075,000 $1,025,000 35
2024-06 1336 Buckhorn Rd, $564,900 $530,000 23
2024-04 122 York Dr, $1,299,000 $1,230,000 9
2024-03 1069 Maria St, $1,495,000 $1,495,000 0
2024-02 124 York Dr, $1,199,000 $1,180,000 44
2024-02 333 Ennis Rd, $2,399,000 $2,200,000 136
2023-11 195 Summit Dr, $799,900 $790,000 25
2023-10 200 O'neil St, $895,888 $880,000 68
2023-09 858 Tara Rd, $469,900 $450,000 63

Statistics: TRREB Market Watch - JUNE 2023

Municipality activity Detached

Sale activity

Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield :

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Average sale price
New Listings
Year on Year Growth

Municipality activity All Property Types

Sale activity

Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield :

Average sale price
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Sale $ / List $
Year on Year Growth

Estimated running costs for 620 Ramsay Rd

Based on available 3rd party data


Approximate costs per month

$3863 p/m
from $75 p/m
from $40 p/m
Home insurance
from $20 p/m
$0 p/m
$0 p/m



  • Park
Listing Broker 6H REALTY INC.
Data Source: TRREB

Payment calculator

$3863 monthly. In association with: TD Bank
  • Principal and Interest
    3863 /mo
  • Property Taxes
    $0 /mo
  • Yearly Condo Fees

* These results are not provided by offerHunt.ca and are only indicative based on a repayment mortgage product. Repayments will be subject to the product provided and your circumstances.

P2 Realty Inc. Brokerage

P2 Realty Brokerage


Luis Serrano, Realtor

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