177 Dufferin Ave

Belleville | | K8N 3W9
  • 2 + 1
  • 3
  • 0


Est. Mtg $2,539 /mo
  • Days on market


  • Status


Listing Broker EKORT REALTY LTD.
Since listed: 2 views

Home details

MLS #:


Property type:
Lot Front:
52.83   Feet
Lot Depth:
165.0   Feet
Full | Unfinished
Driveway Pkg:
Gas | Forced Air


177 Dufferin Ave, , Belleville, Ontario is a Detached property in Belleville and in the community in the K8N 3W9 postal code

This opulent century home has been completely renovated, designed & transformed with on trend finishes both modern & timeless with exquisite workmanship & attention to detail far exceeding expectations! A thoughtful layout ideal for business professionals, investors, or families alike. The kitchen walks out to an impressive 2-teir deck that leads to the fully fenced private yard scattered with mature trees, gorgeous landscaping, the inground pool and the completely separate/private/stand alone guest house/income suite. Images should be souring of families playing, gardening, socializing, days spent gathered around the pool, barbecuing (gas BBQ hookup) and stargazing at night! This brick masterpiece is extensively upgraded inside including durable finishes of quartz counters, walk-in pantry, luxury wood floors & high-end tile(heated bathroom floors), ample cabinets, skylights, black metal luxury features, windows, spacious master bedroom (walk-in closet), enchanting fireplace feature..




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List Date End Date List Price End Price Status MLS #
2021-12 2022-01 $4,200 $4,200 Ter X5456924
2022-02 2022-03 $3,000 $2,800 Lsd X5486447
2022-02 2023-08 $2,800 $2,800 Lsd X6558081
2023-04 2023-08 $799,900 $799,900 Ter X6566850
2023-07 2023-09 $779,900 $779,900 Ter X6586491
2024-08 2024-08 $749,000 $749,000 New X9251870


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sold Date Address List Price sold Price DOM
2024-09 23 Jones Lane, $349,000 $350,000 43
2024-09 99 Raglan Rd, $569,900 $569,900 8
2024-09 2348 Old Marmora Rd, $425,000 $425,000 4
2024-09 46 Woodborough Pl, $600,000 $640,000 8
2024-09 102 Tait St E, $879,900 $855,500 128
2024-09 260 Bay St, $699,900 $650,000 88
2024-09 2323 Grindstone Lake Rd, $765,000 $760,000 4
2024-09 35 Pine St S, $585,888 $550,000 93
2024-09 205 St Lawrence St E, $299,900 $283,000 21
2024-08 22 Superior St, $499,999 $547,000 15
2024-08 59 Meagan Lane, $599,000 $599,000 21
2024-08 19 Dowden Ave, $774,900 $760,000 8
2024-08 39 Lakeside Dr, $1,399,000 $1,300,000 18
2024-08 239 High Shore Rd, $680,000 $615,000 39
2024-08 75 Albert St, $415,000 $410,000 11

Statistics: TRREB Market Watch - JUNE 2023

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Estimated running costs for 177 Dufferin Ave

Based on available 3rd party data


Approximate costs per month

$2539 p/m
from $75 p/m
from $40 p/m
Home insurance
from $20 p/m
$315 p/m
$0 p/m



  • Fenced Yard
  • Hospital
  • School
  • School Bus Route
Listing Broker EKORT REALTY LTD.
Data Source: TRREB

Payment calculator

$2855 monthly. In association with: TD Bank
  • Principal and Interest
    2539 /mo
  • Property Taxes
    $315 /mo
  • Yearly Condo Fees

* These results are not provided by offerHunt.ca and are only indicative based on a repayment mortgage product. Repayments will be subject to the product provided and your circumstances.

P2 Realty Inc. Brokerage

P2 Realty Brokerage


Ali Norouzi, Realtor

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