1648 North Big Island Rd

Prince Edward County | Sophiasburgh | K0K 1W0
  • 3
  • 2
  • 0

Ask: $619,000 $599,000

Est. Mtg $2,031 /mo
  • Days on market


  • Status


Listing Broker RE/MAX QUINTE LTD.
Since listed: 2 views

Home details

MLS #:


Property type:
Lot Front:
141.0   Feet
Lot Depth:
381.0   Feet
None |
Driveway Pkg:
Propane | Forced Air


1648 North Big Island Rd, , Prince Edward County, Ontario is a Detached property in Prince Edward County and in the Sophiasburgh community in the K0K 1W0 postal code

Almost 1.2 acres on Big Island with dream garage/workshop and 3 bedroom home! If storage is what you require, this property has a 24 x 64 garage with 5 car bays, workshop and a 16x64 overhead loft storage space. An attached bungalow in the back has high ceilings, open concept kitchen and living areas, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, plus main floor laundry and walk out to a patio overlooking the land and woodlands behind. Great location and few boat launches to fish the famous Bay of Quinte at your doorstep!.


Just 15 minutes to Picton and 15 minutes to Belleville, Big Island is a quiet and beautiful area with year round access over a causeway. Big Island is the largest off-shore Island in Prince Edward County..


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List Date End Date List Price End Price Status MLS #
2024-02 2024-08 $619,000 $599,000 Ext X8040962


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sold Date Address List Price sold Price DOM
2024-08 1305 County Rd 15 Rd, $1,299,900 $1,100,000 307
2024-06 96 Mount Carmel Rd, $899,000 $880,000 16
2024-05 2269 Ben Gill Rd, $655,000 $645,000 8
2024-05 862 Bethel Rd, $2,195,000 $2,200,000 25
2023-09 918 Fish Lake Rd, $399,000 $310,000 96
2023-03 1332 County Road 15, $899,900 $875,000 195
2022-11 1286 County Road 14 Rd, $799,900 $700,000 20
2021-09 2415 County Road 15 Rd, $647,700 $635,000 22
2021-07 277 Fish Lake Rd, $1,295,000 $1,200,000 22
2021-07 41 North Big Island Rd, $1,299,000 $1,299,000 509
2021-07 1810 Fry Rd, $700,000 $805,000 2
2021-03 1286 County Road 14 Rd, $724,900 $750,000 7
2021-03 1763 North Big Island Rd, $500,000 $700,000 4
2020-12 890 County Rd 35, $799,900 $795,000 12
2020-07 1854 N Big Island Rd, $689,000 $655,000 209

Statistics: TRREB Market Watch - JUNE 2023

Municipality activity Detached

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Prince Edward County :

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Year on Year Growth

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Prince Edward County :

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Year on Year Growth

Estimated running costs for 1648 North Big Island Rd

Based on available 3rd party data


Approximate costs per month

$2031 p/m
from $75 p/m
from $40 p/m
Home insurance
from $20 p/m
$73 p/m
$0 p/m



  • School Bus Route
Listing Broker RE/MAX QUINTE LTD.
Data Source: TRREB

Payment calculator

$2104 monthly. In association with: TD Bank
  • Principal and Interest
    2031 /mo
  • Property Taxes
    $73 /mo
  • Yearly Condo Fees

* These results are not provided by offerHunt.ca and are only indicative based on a repayment mortgage product. Repayments will be subject to the product provided and your circumstances.

P2 Realty Inc. Brokerage

P2 Realty Brokerage


Daniela LaFace, Realtor

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