1 Hilton Lane

Meaford | Meaford | N4L 1L8
  • 3
  • 2
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Est. Mtg $3,386 /mo
  • Days on market


  • Status


Listing Broker RE/MAX PREMIER INC.
Since listed: 2 views

Home details

MLS #:


Property type:
2025 New Const
Lot Front:
68.6   Feet
Lot Depth:
99.69   Feet
Full |
Driveway Pkg:
Gas | Forced Air


1 Hilton Lane, , Meaford, Ontario is a Detached property in Meaford and in the Meaford community in the N4L 1L8 postal code

New Construction, Possession Mid 2025, Great Community in Meadford, 5 min From Georgian Bay, Homes are Detached Backing on To Golf Course, 10 ft. Ceilings 9 ft. In Basement, Rod Iron pickets, 5 In. Baseboard, Extended Kitchen Cabinets, Frameless Glass Shower Enclosure, Smooth Ceilings Throughout, 200 AMP BBQ. Gas line, 8 Ft High Interior Doors on the main Floor, Pot Lights, Central Air cond. Garage Door Opener, Basement Heated Floor ( Rough) in Only, Quick Charge Electric vehicle Outlet.( rough In only). Buyer To Choose Interior Finishes At Our Design studio. Condominium Fee of $212.91 Maintenance for Road Cleaning, Snow removal, Maintenance Of Road, Paved Driveways..


Agreement to be written on builders offer Forms..


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List Date End Date List Price End Price Status MLS #
2024-08 2024-09 $998,800 $998,800 New X9244005


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sold Date Address List Price sold Price DOM
2023-05 200 Centre St, $499,800 $588,800 2
2023-04 341 Centre St, $1,049,000 $1,020,000 45
2023-04 115 Lorne St, $679,999 $670,000 39
2023-03 84040 Side Road 6 Rd, $879,900 $856,000 17
2023-02 078539 11th Line, $995,000 $985,000 18
2022-03 90 Susan St, $699,000 $705,000 13
2022-03 586 Grandview Dr, $969,000 $996,000 1
2022-01 206135 Sykes St N, $574,900 $575,000 24
2021-09 245608 Side Rd 22 Rd, $1,095,000 $1,095,000 83
2021-09 145839 Grey Rd. 12 Rd, $399,000 $441,000 6
2021-06 159038 7th Line, $1,795,000 $1,750,000 13
2021-05 318 Eliza St, $599,900 $738,000 7
2021-03 281 Sykes St N, $859,900 $859,900 21
2021-02 35 Lakeside Ave, $699,000 $800,250 10
2020-11 191 Fraser St, $1,250,000 $1,245,000 14

Statistics: TRREB Market Watch - JUNE 2023

Municipality activity Detached

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Meaford :

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Year on Year Growth

Municipality activity All Property Types

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Meaford :

Average sale price
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Year on Year Growth

Estimated running costs for 1 Hilton Lane

Based on available 3rd party data


Approximate costs per month

$3386 p/m
from $75 p/m
from $40 p/m
Home insurance
from $20 p/m
$0 p/m
$0 p/m



Listing Broker RE/MAX PREMIER INC.
Data Source: TRREB

Payment calculator

$3386 monthly. In association with: TD Bank
  • Principal and Interest
    3386 /mo
  • Property Taxes
    $0 /mo
  • Yearly Condo Fees

* These results are not provided by offerHunt.ca and are only indicative based on a repayment mortgage product. Repayments will be subject to the product provided and your circumstances.

P2 Realty Inc. Brokerage

P2 Realty Brokerage


Marcus Le , Realtor

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